3 Tips for Developing Good Eating Habits

The word “habit” typically conjures up negative connotations in most people’s minds. A habit can be good or bad, however. Picking up a good habit can be just as difficult as kicking a bad one – especially when it comes to your diet. Forming good eating habits, however, can go a long way to helping you feel good and live well now and in the future. Just follow these three tips from Pita Jungle to get started on the path to developing habits for healthy eating that will serve you well your whole life through. 

1. Don’t Over-Complicate Matters

In order to set yourself up for success, you’ll want to make small changes to your diet gradually over time. Instead of counting every calorie and measuring every portion, for example, start swapping unhealthy foods for healthy ones at each meal. Choose a fresh fruit or handful of nuts as a snack instead of potato chips or cookies, which are loaded with excess sodium and sugar. Making small, simple choices like this throughout the day can really add up to a much healthier diet overall. Each healthy swap you make helps develop good eating habits over time.

2. Variety Is the Spice of Life

When it comes to forming good eating habits, variety is the spice of life. Choose foods in a variety of colors to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need to stay full and fueled throughout the day. Eating an array of fresh fruits and vegetables in a rainbow of colors will also prevent binge eating – so you’ll be swapping a good habit for a bad one!

3. Moderation Is Key

Most people think of moderation as consuming less. What is meant by moderation, however, is eating a lot less of the unhealthy foods in your diet, such as sugary drinks and high-sodium or high-fat snacks, and a lot more of the healthy ones, such as fresh fruits and veggies. Remember that moderation does not mean elimination. You don’t have to cut out your favorite unhealthy foods altogether; rather, you just have to eat less of them and eat them less often. 

Find out more information about the nutritious meal choices available at Pita Jungle and start forming some good eating habits today!